Monday, August 06, 2007


Estelle's hair has been growing nicely. She is no longer completely bald and now has a nice covering of thin dirty-blonde hair. I, on the other hand, have been loosing my hair. Literally, handfuls. I've heard this happens after pregnancy. If I keep loosing hair at the rate I am, I'll be bald in no time! Aaaaahhhh.


Anonymous said...

emilie pulls mine out-ouch...tyler never seemed to tug at it much, but em is different i keep it back mostly but my grown out bangs or a layer that loosens is emilies favorite thing to grab

Anonymous said...

do articles or books say when it usually stops?

Larissa said...

I've heard it returns to normal by 6 months. Until then I'll be loosing up to 500 hairs a day!