Monday, March 17, 2008

Recipe - Baby Formula Pudding

At only 10 months old, Estelle is practically weaned off breastfeeding, but refuses to drink formula from a bottle. She drinks juice and water, but refuses milk and formula. So, I've resorted to other methods of getting formula into her diet. Here's my recipe for Baby Formula Pudding. Estelle LOVES it!

1/3 cup sugar (less if desired)
2 tablespoons cornstarch
14 oz baby formula
2 egg yolks
2 tablespoons butter
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Prepare formula as directed on package to make 14 oz (about 2 cups).
In a microwave-safe mixing bowl, combine sugar and cornstarch. Beat in milk and egg yolks until smooth. Microwave on medium for 5 minutes. Beat well. Microwave on high for two minutes; stir. Blend in butter and vanilla. Pour into small plastic containers and place in fridge. (old baby food jars/containers work great because they are just the right portion sizes)Chill for 20-30 minutes before serving.


Anonymous said...

have you tried soy formula? or soymilk? it has a different taste to it. Or maybe mixing with stuff like applesauce?

Larissa said...

No. I haven't tried soy because I can't stand the smell of that stuff. I have tried whole cows milk though and she didn't like that. Mixing it with applesauce didn't work either. She seems to like this pudding though with formula as the main ingredient so I'll take what I can get.

Anonymous said...

that's the opposite if me - i like soy milk but hate the smell of formula- gag :O

Anonymous said...

You write very well.