Monday, March 31, 2008


We just got back from our trip to Wichita, Kansas. Estelle did ok with the journey, although there were some rough patches. For the most part, she slept, but when she was awake we did have to stop more frequently because she was getting antsy stuck in that carseat for too long. That's ok though. It was nice to stop and stretch our legs occasionally. The wedding was colder than expected... a lot colder. It was an outdoor wedding at the botanica. I felt bad for the bride and bridesmaids in their knee-length, sleeveless dresses. Poor things were shivering. Estelle napped through the whole ceremony, thank goodness. I had her nicely bundled in her stroller so she wasn't cold. For the rest of our trip we enjoyed relaxing, shopping, and eating out at nice resturants. Traveling is different when you have a baby. We couldn't go to a couple of the really nice resturants because they didn't seem all that baby friendly and we certainly couldn't do anything that we would need a sitter for. But it was fun nonetheless. Estelle really enjoyed the hotel pool and she behaved well for the most part.

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