Saturday, October 28, 2006


Ok. So, my cousin-in-law who is also pregnant, just posted her measurements, and I thought that sounds like a good idea. So, here they are:

To start with, here are my pre-pregnancy measurements. So we have something to compare to:

Pre-Pregnancy Waist: 26 inches
Pre-Pregnancy lower-belly: 29 inches
Pre-Pregnancy Hips: 36 inches

And here are my measurements at 13 weeks pregnant:

13 weeks Waist: 29 inches
13 weeks lower-belly: 34 inches
13 weeks Hips: 37 inches

So, my waist has increased by 3 inches, my lower-belly has increased by 5 inches, and my hips increased by 1 inch.

And so far, I have gained 1 lb.

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