Thursday, April 12, 2007

A Birth Plan

I met with, Angela, the nurse practitioner, yesterday because the doc is out of town. The appointment went well and I got to hear Estelle's heartbeat again. That's always fun. Angela said I haven't started dialating yet, so I guess my soreness yesterday was just tired muscles.

I measured myself around my belly again... 44 inches now. And I weigh something like 159 lbs!

Also, I think I'm starting to come up with some idea of what I want for my birth. I've been reading a book about pain relief that lists all of the pros and cons of each pain relief method including side effects and possible complications of all the drugs. This has basically solidified my desire to have an un-drugged birth. I've always got the option of an epidural but I hope not to need it. There are just too many negative side effects and possible complications. So, instead TJ and I are learning the Bradly method of natural childbirth. I'm also going to ask if my doctor might be able to use a local anesthetic when I start the pushing stage. I figure I'd probably tear and need the local anesthetic during stitches anyways, so I'll just ask if she can give me the shot at the beginning of the pushing stage to ease some of the pain in pushing and tearing. I know it won't kill the pain of contractions, but I figure that small amount of relief might make a difference. I am not going into this foolishly optimistic. I know that my birth will be one of extreme pain and physical strain. That's why I am working so hard right now to prepare myself with coping methods. I also know that epiduarals and other medications have many, many longer lasting side effects that I simply do not want. I would rather endure a few hours of extreme pain than risk the potential problems involved with drugs. Not to mention, women who have natural childbirth expriences feel a whole lot better after birth and recover more quickly than those who used drugs. So that's the plan for now. It is subject to change.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah you are at that pound a week stage- I didn't think I'd put on this much weight since i was sick in the beginning, but I'm about 147 right now and I'm just entering that pound a week stage. I was close to 43 last circumference check for me--- crikey! my skin is sooo stretched! Have you looked into perienal massage or warm compresses to help prevent a tear? Are you doing any particular exercises? I heard that tearing is like a burning feeling....but we'll just have to wait and find out the hard way I suppose ...gulp.... At least it will end eventually. :)