Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Good Baby

Well guys. I had another doc appointment on Friday and was pleased to find out that baby Estelle is facing head-down like she's supposed to be. My doc says that at this point, if they are head-down, they usually stay that way until delivery. So, I'll probably be able to try giving birth the natural way. This makes me very happy as I do not like the idea of having my belly sliced open.

Also, I finally managed to hear Estelle's heartbeat on my personal fetal heart monitor thingy. Those things are crap by the way. I paid $20 for that thing hoping I'd hear her heartbeat "months before my due date"... only to try faithfully with no results until I was in my 35th week! Still, TJ and I were pleased to finally hear her little heart beating away. I wanted to try to record it and post it on here, but since that morning she must have changed positions because I haven't been able to catch it again. Little stinker. I'll keep trying though and will hopefully have a recording before Estelle makes her grand appearance.

Other than that, not much has been happening. I am officially the size of a small whale, weighing in at close to 30 lbs more than my pre-pregnancy weight. Yikes! Deffinately did not expect to gain this much. I thought I would gain 20.. maybe 25 lbs. I can't say I wasn't warned though. The internet articles DID say that underweight women should expect to gain more than is normal as their body compensates. I was borderline underweight, so maybe that's why. Everyone tells me it's "all belly" though, so I guess I'm ok.

My back is killing me and bedtime involves a 4 pillow stacking ritual in which I stretegically place my pillows before carefully waddle-crawling into just the right spot. TJ finds this amusing.

Aside from that, I'm loving this part of the pregnancy. It's not hardly as bad as some women make it out to be. Before I got pregnant, I thought for sure that by this stage in the pregnancy I would have to stop doing anything and my time would be spent laying on a couch fanning myself and praying for an early delivery. So far that hasn't happened. But who knows, it could happen yet. I've still got a few weeks left afterall.....


Anonymous said...

I have the same monitor still no heartbeat just hear kicks- btw- my doc said at last appt that i was measuring big now too- so either it happened recently or the other doc was not in agreement- she said i was measuring 34 weeks and i am only 32.5 but she said that that doesn't necessarily mean its the size of the baby- but i have an u.s. later to get an estimate.(even those can be off by a lb. though :P )

Anonymous said...

I think I've gained about 20 lbs so far, but i still have two months- and the end is when it starts to accumulate more weekly!!! I still throw up now and then and I still am gaining- I guess the baby just likes to keep my on my toes.

Anonymous said...

That is good that Estelle is in the right position :)