Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Morning Sickness

You know what's worse than puking? Feeling like you're going to puke but not getting to. Right about now, that's what I've been feeling. Don't get me wrong, I do appreciate any symptom that reminds me that I am indeed pregnant. But can't I just puke already and get it over with?

And another thing, morning sickness is a myth. It, in fact, does not occur only in the morning. Whoever made up the term "morning sickenss" should be injected with pregnancy hormones and left to gag (but not puke) all day long. Then we'll see what they think it should be called.

I find that certain foods greatly disterb me, while others can be tollerated. If I go too long without eating, I start to feel sick, at which point, there are only a few foods that I can even think about consuming. And these foods are (in no particular order)... Oranges, Green Beans, Cherrio's, and Chocolate Milk (i know milk is not a food, but it fills my tummy enough to allow me to eat food).

The rest of the time, I try to keep at least something in my tummy at all times, as this seems to be the best technique for keeping nausea at bay.

At the moment, there is a can of pringles staring at me. Excuse me while I gag....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lol a few days ago i was in walgreens and actually was tempted and ate the pringles- i was happy at that point though to eat anything it was s c and onion- salty enough for me at the time-- but i'm fickle