Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Still Nothing

August, 2005

6 months after the miscarriage, and still no pregnancy. Things were not looking good. Immediately after the miscarriage, I'd talked with my doctor about what might have been the cause. He said it was probably chromosomal abnormalities and that I should have no trouble getting pregnant again and carrying the baby to term. I was not inclined to believe him, and requested some testing. He said to give it some time. I did.

Now, here I was 6 months later and still not pregnant. According to all the online articles I'd read, 6 months was more than enough time for a woman to get pregant, the average time being 4-6 months, and less for women using the Fertility Awareness Method as I was. So, I scheduled another meeting with my doctor. I explained the situation, and even showed him my charts, hoping they would shed some light on the situation. He looked at my charts and then seemed to regard me as some sort of nutcase. I recall feeling quite angry at his response to what I thought was helpful information. I then proceded to explain that I was curious about the possability of a "Leutal Phase Defect" as my charts indicated frequent short leutal phases... some as low as 9 and average being 12. That's when the doc pulled out a book to explain how hormones work in a womans cycle. As he pointed out a graph in his book, I made a comment about the corpus leatum releasinf progesterone which is to peak shortly after ovulation. He seemed surprised by my knowledge.( I guess he's not used to dealing with obssesive, google searching maniacs.) He said no more, put his book away, and gave me an order for bloodwork to test for a progestrone defficiancy. I was pleased to have made some progress, but found myself irritated with how he handled the matter and how he thought I should be completely ignorant about my body.

I went ahead with the bloodwork, but soon after was hunting for a new doctor.

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